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Who Are We?

Kelna Ayleh is a Lebanese NGO that was founded when a group of civically engaged young women came together with a dream of making Lebanon a country of peace and prosperity.

In 2019, and amidst the severely deteriorated economic and health situation, Kelna Ayleh reached out to the most vulnerable for aid and support.

Through its multi-disciplinary approach to support the communities and families, Kelna Ayleh seeks to preserve the dignity of vulnerable individuals while empowering them to aspire for a brighter future.

Today, Kelna Ayleh supports more than 8,000 families.

Kelna Ayleh’s stems from the following values:
1. Respect for human rights.
2. Equality in humanitarian response.
3. The power of partnerships.
4. Empowerment.
5. Transparency and Accountability.

For more info please call 0096178966733

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